Mad Hatter

Mad Hatter
One of the original drawings by Tim Burton

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wait Wait

Alice in WonderlandHere is the movie poster to the movie I just gave you....
Today's rendition of Alice in Wonderland/Alice Throught the Looking Glass is...

Alice in Wonderland (TV 1999)

Director:Nick Willing


Robbie Coltrane Robbie Coltrane ...
Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg ...
Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley ...
Christopher Lloyd Christopher Lloyd ...
Pete Postlethwaite Pete Postlethwaite ...
Miranda Richardson Miranda Richardson ...
Queen of Hearts / Society Woman
Martin Short Martin Short ...
Mad Hatter / Chinless Idiot
Peter Ustinov Peter Ustinov ...
George Wendt George Wendt ...
Gene Wilder Gene Wilder ...
Tina Majorino Tina Majorino ...
Ken Dodd Ken Dodd ...
Jason Flemyng Jason Flemyng ...
Sheila Hancock Sheila Hancock ...
Simon Russell Beale Simon Russell Beale ...
King of Hearts / Society Man 



As you watch the beginning of "Alice in Wonderland", pay close attention to the guests at the tea party. You might notice Martin Short and his companion, a man placing two buns atop his head as if he were, say, a March Hare. Notice also the man flirting with the woman at the end-you could almost call him a scurvy Knave. But enough with the plays on words. This version of "Alice in Wonderland" was exceedingly well done. From the moment Alice falls down the rabbit hole to the moment she catches the apple, we are spellbound by the fantasy the film has woven for us. Part of its appeal is its satirical notions. Consider the "caucus race", where everyone is cheating. Cynics of politics might agree with this. There is also the trial at the end, where the evidence is as insubstantial as a house of cards. One needs to watch the film or read the novel many times to pick up all of the references!

I enjoyed watching Alice's transformation from stage fright child to confident young girl. It was a continuing thread that helped the story attain a greater level of continuity. Yet the most entertaining portions of the film were those with Martin Short, Miranda Richardson, and Gene Wilder, to name a few. They held nothing back, which magnified the absurdities of their characters to the nth degree. Lastly, the featuring of the tea party at the beginning of the film and the end helped tie it together. A well done film. 


I adore the original novels "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass", but this straight-to-TV movie just didn't work for me. Rather than just simply go through Wonderland and enjoy the ride, we have to have a rather contrived moral added on, as well as all these messages encouraging self-esteem. Often, certain scenes drag on for what seems like forever; there's none of the trademark irreverence that the books have. My advice: If you like the books, and don't want to be bogged down, stick to the Disney version. This one is just not true to the spirit of "Alice in Wonderland".  


quote of the day

alice in wonderland:
"speak roughly to your little boy,
and beat him when he sneezes:
he only does annoy,
because he knows it teases."

a song the duchess sings to a pig baby

Back to Wonderland

well, now it is day two on my blog and so far it is mostly a  random lewis carroll mind dump! so for now on i am farly structuring my madness.  i have decide that from now on i will have

a quote of the day
reveiws and details on a verson  of alice and wonderland or through the looking glass for youe veiwing oportunity
more random stuff from me, the mad hatter

Sunday, February 13, 2011


For the 18th time I love it!! I have a list of the cast with their roles  just to buy time and give random info.....

Johnny Depp ...

Mia Wasikowska Mia Wasikowska ...
Helena Bonham Carter Helena Bonham Carter ...
Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway ...
Crispin Glover Crispin Glover ...
Matt Lucas Matt Lucas ...
Michael Sheen Michael Sheen ...
White Rabbit (voice)
Stephen Fry Stephen Fry ...
Cheshire Cat (voice)
Alan Rickman Alan Rickman ...
Barbara Windsor Barbara Windsor ...
Dormouse (voice)
Paul Whitehouse Paul Whitehouse ...
March Hare (voice)
Timothy Spall Timothy Spall ...
Bayard (voice)
Marton Csokas Marton Csokas ...
Tim Pigott-Smith Tim Pigott-Smith ...
John Surman John Surman ...

Movie Watch!

Tonight I will be watching my favorite version of Alice and Wonderland..... Alice and Wonderland (Tim Burton/Live Action/2010)  Here I have some reveiws as well as the movie poster!

"Alice in Wonderland is a lot of fun. Rather than merely leaving her sister to follow the rabbit out of boredom, Burton's Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is a teenage participant in Victorian London society whose life is being planned out for her by her widowed mother and father-in-law to be. Little does she know it, but haughty Lord Hamish (Leo Bill) is about to pop the question, securing a life of stifling boredom for her. But Alice used to have dreams of falling, with white rabbits, smiling cats, and blue caterpillars. When she sees a white rabbit bustling in the bushes, pausing to flash a pocket watch at her, she takes off after it and enters Wonderland.

The introduction to Where the Wild Things Are is similarly re-imagined, but the fun in that movie was seeing how Spike Jones managed to be faithful to Maurice Sendak's illustrations. Burton's team had iconic characters to work with, but had carte blanche to recreate them. Thus Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter becomes a yellow-eyed, gap-toothed maniac with Carrot Top-style hair. Helena Bonham Carter's Red Queen has a tiny body and a bulbous head ("Regrettably large," says The Hatter) that pays homage to Bette Davis's Queen Elizabeth. Tweedledum and Tweedledee, both played by Matt Lucas, benefit best from whatever state of the art tech Burton's team employed and provide the most comic relief.

This is Alice's story, however. She follows instructions to drink liquids that make her shrink and grow, constantly hears she's the wrong Alice, is informed she has to wield a magic sword and kill the Jabberwocky (Christopher Lee), and gets hit on by the Red Queen's paramour Stayne (Crispin Glover). Everyone is trying to make her conform in some way, just like back in London. Maybe the film needed extra context to make it cohesively contemporary, but somehow the message takes away from the pure magic. This Alice becomes a kind of Joan of Arc when she finally rises to the occasion, a role model for independence instead of a little girl with a fantastic imagination. Burton's imagination never lets up, though, and while those 3-D effects do seem to fade into the background, you can feed your head on his Wonderland for the entire trip."

"Alice in Wonderland is normally not my cup of tea, but I was happy I joined the tea party this time."

"Maybe I'm not as jaded as I should be. Maybe I'm still too wide-eyed. But I found Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland to be a treasure trove full of delight and near-amazement. The imagery is bold and ravishing. Alice in Wonderland is surreal and smashing.
Maybe I was just in the right mood for flights of vibrant whimsy. I've often said in the past that it's crucial to get on a film's wavelength.
With Alice in Wonderland, I went hurtling down the rabbit hole, I rode the Bandersnatch's back, I imbibed the Mad Hatter's intoxicating tea. And I found my "muchness."
Purists may gag at Burton's version and vision of Alice and her world, but moviegoers should be engaged.
It may be sacrilege to compare Burton's Alice in Wonderland with The Wizard of Oz (1939), but there are distinct parallels. Both begin and end in familial, social settings. And both make them a point of resolution. Both young heroines embark on magical missions, fraught with danger and surprise. Both have memorable characters and delirious action.
Burton's Alice in Wonderland, released by Disney, has some traditional Disney qualities. Like Fantasia (1940), it will leave some viewers unimpressed, but like some eternal Disney classics -- e.g., Bambi (1942) and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) -- it has lively sequences and unique characters that could have emotional traction.
Burton's Alice in Wonderland is not pure Lewis Carroll. Burton and screenwriter Linda Woolverton treat the tale as a fable of a young girl who at the end becomes transformed into an independent woman.
Alice is a 19-year old young woman when she follows the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole, as she tries to escape rigid Victorian mores and a hapless engagement to a vapid twit at a garden gathering.
Is she the Alice who is destined to battle the Jabberwocky for the White Queen against the Red Queen? What will become of her?
Mia Wasikowska [suicidal Sophie in HBO's series In Treatment] creates an Alice who is naive but steady, who retains her father's ability to imagine.
Johnny Depp -- with gleaming eyes and wild, orange hair -- is a merry vision of addled loyalty as the Mad Hatter.
Helena Bonham Carter -- Burton's actual life partner -- is the bratty Red Queen. She invests the role with fickle vitality. Anne Hathaway is a bit antiseptic -- I'm sure Burton intended that --- as the White Queen, who doesn't believe in killing.
Between the Red Queen, who wants to cut off everybody's head and the White Queen, who doesn't want to kill even an insect, Alice's cool equilibrium shines.
The voices for the animated characters have personality. Alan Rickman is at his most sonorous as the black syrup, baleful voice of the Blue Caterpillar.
Other voices that have affecting personality are those of Michael Sheen (the White Rabbit), Timothy Spall (Bayard the Bloodhound), Stephen Fry (the Cheshire Cat), Imelda Staunton (the Tall Flower Faces), and Christopher Lee (the Jabberwocky).
Danny Elfman's music is appropriately forceful.
Writer Woolverton, who wrote the screenplays for The Lion King (1994) and Beauty and the Beast (1991), sees Alice as a modern woman. Alice's final allusion to China as crucial to the future speaks to the contemporary world.
Director Tim Burton in Alice in Wonderland is not as esoteric as usual, but he does invest convention with pleasurable imagination. Alice in Wonderland, although too intense for young children, weaves a transporting, transforming spell.
Alice in Wonderland originally was photographed in 2-D, and then it was transformed into 3-D, so it is not as dependent on 3-D effects as most 3-D movies are.
But the final 3-D image is a keeper. A blue butterfly floats into the theater.
Do you believe in blue butterflies?"

Hope you enjoy!!

Here Ye, Here Ye!!

Take this wonderful quiz!

My result was....
You Scored as Mad Hatter
You scored the Mad Hatter! You are a jovial person who enjoys parties and celebrating un-birthdays, but you are not a very good host as your guests are confused by your riddles and nonsense talk.

Mad Hatter

March Hare


Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

A Playing Card

Cheshire Cat


The Dormouse

The White Rabbit





Queen of Hearts

DaY 1

tO sTaRt OuT my FaVorIte poEm bY LewIs CarRoLL iS THE JABBERWOCKY......hEre iT Is........

Twas brilling, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
  The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
  The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
  Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
  And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
  The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
  And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
  The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
  He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
  Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
  He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
  And the mome raths outgrabe.
